Since it fits perfectly to the Achilles-problem, here is the recent
bat-rep of todays game against vanilla Aleph. This was the first one for
the ongoing TTS-tournament organized by Tristan228. I have no screenshot of the table this time.
The mission this time was Supplies and since there is no exclusion zone, I picked the list from the previous games for this:
6 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
I expected a similar list than Karolis had in the last game, so the plan was to win initiative, go first and burn down Achilles with the Peacemaker, since there is no one with better odds in this situation. Pathfinder and Hunzakut FO should grab the supply boxes and maybe I am able to let someone else loot the other box and shoot him down then. Everything else was there for ARO-reasons, while Armand should carry some weight in active turn, if needed. The Bashi Bazouk is here for third turn shenangians, if needed.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
It seemed like I remembered all the units correctly, but the dispersion among the groups is not correct here. Achilles was there, backed up with a lot of cheap orders and of course the whole Proxy-gang. While the Doc should take care of Achilles, the other two were there to grab the objectives together with the Naga KHD. The Torakites engineer should keep things rolling in the backfield. The Libertos is there for reasons.
The table was the D-Day one for TTS with only a few big buildings around, some forests and a really wet beach on one side. One objective was placed in the second storage of a building, while everything else was on ground level and okay to reach. One DZ had two nice and big buildings for ARO-situations, while the other DZ had more suboptimal buildings to set up a good defense or even to hide some stuff.
I won the Lt-roll and took initiative to deal with Achilles and got the worse DZ.
The left side was secured by my core-link and the Sierra, so that two objectives were covered. Around the buildings on my side, I placed my REMs with the Fugazis out to ARO and everything else hidden as good as possible. Both ABHs also were overwatching only their own ground to secure the orders. Armand took a drink in a bar-thingie a bit advanced in the center. To grab the objective inside the building, my Hunzakut FO got there, while the LGL should take care of the beach.
Two camo-markers went in the center, one overwatching each free objective, while Probots and Netrods hid in the backfield. The Torakites was in the center of the DZ with his Yudbot behind the Dakini HMG on a smaller building, overwatching the center. Two Flashbots took care of the midfield, the Shukra and the Danavas were deployed on the big building in the DZ. Achilles showed up behind the building in the center. A thrid camo-troop took care of my Hunzakut in the building.
The Peacemaker is deployed in safety on the left, behind the building with the Hunzakut. Proxy FO went on the beach, the Doc behind Achilles and something hid somewhere.
Druze 1: My group one was reduced by two orders. My opponent did some mistakes in his deployment, forgetting about me having the first turn, so this needed to be used. Armand stands up, dropping the Dakini HMG in three shots, while the LGL missed the FO Proxy and the Liberto nearby. I skip the run with my Peacemaker, fearing the Proxy MSR and having not enough orders to go on full attack. So I use my Fugazi to get a sniffer on my left flank and sensor the Naga KHD next to my Hunzakut FO. The Hunzakut drops the Naga, which lays a mine. The turn is completed by my MSR shooting the Flashbot on the rooftop.
Aleph 1: The Libertos fails to kill my Sierra, which shoots him down in return. The Danavas drops some white noise in the midfield, which is used by Achilles to shoot my MSR. Two crits later, Achilles is down completly. The Proxy FO tries to shoot my Sierra, but his armor is to good this time. He retreats and enters suppressive fire.
Druze 2: Task one, getting rid of Achilles, is accomplished, so I switch to the mission now. The LGL tries to shoot the Proxy FO but fails. So he takes care of the Danavas and finishs him in the second try. Meanwhile, the Pathfinder grabs the center objective and the Hunzakot FO dodges the mine and grabs his own box. There are enough orders to retreat the Pathfinder into the safety of my DZ.
Aleph 2: In the center the Proxy AHD appears and tries to hack my Kameel and the KHD without success. The Proxy FO crits down the Sierra and grabs the last objective. He drags it back into the DZ.
Druze 3: My KHD finishs the Proxy AHD. My Bashi Bazouk appears, only to get shot by the Torakites, trying to reach the Proxy FO. I roll out the Peacemaker to reduce the order-pool but can only shoot down the second Flashbot and take a defensive position in the center.
Aleph 3: The Proxy Doc shoots down my Peacemaker but gets stunned by my Fugazi on his way towards my Pathfinder.
With two supply boxes but without any classifieds, I win 5-2, since my opponent managed to secure my HVT with the Proxy Doc.
My biggest mistake here was to attack with my Bashi instead of letting him secure the enemy HVT to get a major victory here. Everything else went quite good, but mostly because of lucky dice.
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