An other Friday went by, so there was time for the round-5 testgame for the TTS-league with AssaultUnicorn. The mission was "Tempo war", which is a altered version of Supremacy. Instead of scoring after each round, you score after turn
2, 3, 4, and 5 and have some consoles to grab, as well as kill more
army points. Area denial and no exclusion zone made my list-decision
quite clear: The Hunzakut LGL became an additional run.
6 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
While reading the mission, it became quite clear to me, that I will lose automatically, if I go first, since AssaultUnicorn would be able to either control most of the quadrants and take good positions, if I stay in my DZ to defend the Yuan Yuans, or he could easily clear out my units in the quadrants with the Yuan Yuans, which would put me on the backfoot in both cases for the whole game. So the plan evolved mostly around Armand as first turn attacker, since he can take a position where he shines in both cases and can clear out targets on long ranges with only Djanbazans are difficult targets.. The Peacemaker should stay back this time, since he has a good potential to guard my DZ against the Yuan Yuans and then can roll turn two. With Armand, two Hunzakuts and my remotes, I was confident enough to control the quadrants long enough and stay flexible. The LGL should seek a nice and safe spot, from where he can shoot grenades at many things in good range.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This list was a variant of the previous one with a flexible Ghulam-core with Odalisque spitfire and a decent flashpulse-defense to secure a bunch of orders. The Kaplan-haris is gone to include a second Hawwa and to give Leila a second gun by hand in form of the Druze SMR. The Hawwas were supposed to grab the consoles and threat my quadrants, while Leila and the core-link were able to shoot their way towards usefull positions.
This was not the official map for this mission and AssaultUnicorn dug it out somewhere. In fact, it appears difficult, since the big buildings dictate movement and AROs a lot and the two corridors in the center added no flexibility to this. I was first concerned that my remots were not able to leave my DZ. But in the end, they fitted through the cars, luckily.
I win the Lt roll and deploy second in the south DZ. AssaultUnicorn decides to go first.
The Ghulam-core with one reserve-Ghulam was deployed on the left, ready to take the corridor and threaten my deployment. Rouhani hid on the central building with a Nasmat on the right side. The right also saw Leila and the Druze SMR in a duo link and a Kameel. One camo-troop deployed on the building touching the right flank, while a second one started behind the central building. The Fanous-remotes were distributed over the whole DZ.
My core-link deployed around the left building right in the corner with the MSR overwatching the corridor and everyone else looking their backs for pirates. A Fugazi overwatched the corridor on ground level. The central building was the place to hide for my EVO, guarded by the ABHs. The Pathfinder overlooked the street in front of that building, the second Fugazi together with my Sierra the right corridor. The FO Hunzakut started behind the central building on the right, while the LGL went on that building, dedicated a bit more to the left. Instead of putting my Peacemaker as a reserve, I deployed him on the left, behind the Fugazi.
A Djanbazan HMG was deployed on the right side of the central building, but prone. Armand showed up on the roof of the right building to access all the firelanes available. The mine should scare the Yuan Yuans away by going on ground level.
QK 1: My REMs get overclocked. One Yuan Yuan enters the field behind the right building, while the other one uses an accessable spot to enter the building on the third level. On the ground level smoke is set up and the Djanbazan fails several times to shoot my Sierra in bad ranges. The second Yuan Yuan starts his way into Armands back, which fails to change facing all along. While Leila activates the right console and takes a safe position, the core-team starts his way on the left side. They finally arrive unharassed on the building right in front of my DZ, leaving two E/Maulers on their way. The ML eats a crit from the Sierra here, while the Odalisque takes out my MSR Brawler but fails to wound the Peacemaker.
Druze 1: The link is that much grouped on the building, that the only decision to make is wether to use the Auxbot or to shoot grenades to them. To secure the Peacemaker, I go with the Hunzakut. The Fugazi plants a sniffer next to the building and tanks the E/Mauler, followed by a sat-lock of my Pathfinder on the central Ghulam. Three grenades later the Ghulams are no more and the Odalisque is in NWI. The Peacemaker gets assisted fire and drops her on his way to deal with the camo marker on my left side. I forget about a Fanous and get my Auxbot stunned in the open, so the intuitive flamethrower is done here. My Hunzakut FO grabs my right console and the REMs get overclocked.
We tie on quadrants, so it is a 2-2 for the moment, including the consoles.
QK 2: On Yuan Yuan now takes care of Armand, covered in smoke. Armand fails to shoot him while taking one wound to the light flamethrower he brought with him. The CC-attack ends my sniper-plan. The Druze SMR kills the Hunzakut FO, while the Djanbazan finally drops the Sierra and my Auxbot. The left camo-marker appears to be a Hawwa FO (I planned for an AHD) and drops the Peacemaker. This left me with only one quadrant, while he has three, so it gets a 4-2 for him now.
Druze 2: Since this will be my last turn with greater potential to score, I need to get more quadrants than AssaultUnicorn, which becomes quite difficult with all the losses of the previous turn and the whole ARO-set up still alive. My left Fugazi approaches the recamoed Hawwa FO on the left and survives his BS. The Bashi Bazouk enters the field on the far left, but due to several flashpulses it ends up stunned with the Hawwa surviving a SMG-hit. I buff my Pathfinder with assisted fire and take the run on the right, first killing the Druze in one shot, then critting the Djanbazan. With that movement I get the camo marker on the right into ZoC and succeed at sat-locking him. This openes the way for two speculative grenades, which miss both. So wie tie on quadrants: 5-3
QK 3: The Yuan Yuan on the roof on the right trades himself for my Pathfinder, while the second one climbs up towards the LGL and survives the rifle-ARO. The Nasmat revives the Djanbazan and the Hafza Lt finishs off the Bash iBazouk. Leila and some Fanous-remotes advance a bit. With more quadrants, AssaultUncorn scores again: 7-3
Druze 3: Now it is all down the more army points. One of my ABHs advance and discover-shoots Leila successfully with his SMG, while the Hunzakut LGL fails to deal with the Yuan Yuan, the Hawwa and the Hafza at the same time.
In the end, I lost more army points (170 to 140) and the Liason Officer scored one additional point, making it a 9-3 major for AssaultUnicorn.
I had a lot of crits on my side, even some in important and odd situations (dodging Sierra, shooting the Djanbazan with my Pathfinder and so on), but that was equaled to some extend during the game. Not only due starting dice-cancer, but also due to a pretty good game of AssaultUnicorn. I expected things to be nearly done after the whole core-team was blewn up so easily, but the amount of orders available and proper replacement-hitters equaled this bad situation to an extend, I could not compete with in terms of guns and mobility. Maybe I should have skipped the try with the Peacemaker to deal with the left camo-trooper and my Bashi Bazouk game is still really bad. Those mistakes paired with an excellent placement of AssaultUnicorn and a really clever way to solve most of the actual problems can only break your neck.
What I want to point out here is the impact the LGL made, despite my rant in the previous posts. Of course, I wanted to test him more, but I had not intended to do it this way. If you are able to combine him with a proper use of Fugazis and the Pathfinder, many things change. 24" range, hitting everything on 11 is really great and with several targets under the template a real consideration. So I really like how this turned out (and how the Pathfinder performed in addition to this). Only Armand needs to be used better in the future. I see his potential and love the minelayer-ability here, but for the moment there are only two kills on his list, what needs to be improved.
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