There are a lot of things on the horizon for the moment regarding
Infinity for me, so there are two games to report for the moment, but a
lot more to come (TTS-torunament in the next four weeks, the upcoming
team-TTS-event from July to September and the training-games with my
team for this).
For now, there are two games against AssaultUnicorn and @karolis
on the 'Finish line' mission and map from the current TTS-league. Since
I played the same list on the same table, I will put it in front of the
single reports.
6 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This list is a bit inspired by Bobman, since he came up with the LGL-Hunzakut against VaulSC and even if it went poor for him, the idea behind and all the possibilities it offers to my lists were too nice to not try him out. As the second new face here, Armand showed up to reinforce the ARO-game and to create some long-range situations in my favour. But also the mine catched my eye here. Most of the rest is quite obvious and mostly just to protect and feed my Peacemaker and Hunzakuts. The Pathfinder is as always a back-up attack-piece.
With this special mission in mind, most of the plan was to prevent the enemy DT reaching my DZ, causing a lot of damage with the Peacemaker and assassinate things with the Bashi and the Hunzakut LGL.
This table was discussed a lot and appears to be quite difficult
regarding LoF and regarding moving in TTS. It appears less open than it
seems on the first view and even the walkways offer a lot of movement,
but it is very hard to determine, if your path is save, or if there is
someone having an odd LoF from somewhere else. The midfield on ground
level is quite obstructed, but again has some vectors for sneaky flash
Game 1:
6 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This one is quite similar to the previous lists with a Ghulam-core in other nuances, a Kaplan-haris and Yuan Yuans, backed up with Fanous-bots. I was a bit surprised by the lonely Djanbazan to be the not so surgical assassin here, while the haris should carry the mission, I guess.
I won the Lt-roll and messed things up by choosing to go second. So I deployed first in the south.
Pathfinder and two Fugazis took the left side, screened by the Hunzakut FO, while my EVO and one ABH were watching the backfield. My core-link went in the center, with the Brawler overwatching the right side from his position and the Lt on the walkway to be out of trouble on the ground and maybe able to reach the enemy-DZ on the walkway. Armand took care of him by deploying next to him on the platform. My designated target hid on the right flank, overwatched by the Sierra. Again, an ABH guarded my back here. The LGL-Hunzakut deployed on the walkway on the right side, as far advanced as possible.
The left side saw two Fanous, a Kameel and a lonely camo-troop near the left panoply, while the full Ghulam-core with an HMG as back-up on the right side. The Kaplan-haris was deployed in the center of the DZ. The designated target luckily was placed on the right side.
I deployed the Peacemaker on my right side to have the flamethrower available against the core-team and a Djanbazan was placed on the left, near the staircase to the walkway. My datatracker was my Lt and the Odalisque got nominated as QK-datatracker.
QK 1: My REMs are overclocked but no orders taken. A first Yuan Yuan tries to land next to my designated target but scatters and gets shot by my Sierra. The second one takes the save entry and starts next to the Djanbazan on the left side. There he covers the Djanbazan with smoke and spreads some more smokes over the whole left side. The Djanbazan tries to shoot my Fugazi but gets critically stunned. The same happend to the Yuan Yuan, trying to deal with my Hunzakut and the Fugazi, but without success. He only enters CC with my Hunzakut. The Kaplan spitfire misjudges the distance to my Sierra and is shot directly. Leila needs two attempts to cybermask her.
Druze 1: Lucky me, so now I have to use this good position I am in. First the Pathfinder gets rid of the Yuan Yuan on my Hunzakut with a triangulated shot, then the Hunzakut plants a mine next to the camo-troop and recamos. On the right, the LGL-Hunzakut kills a Hafza standing next to the designated target and drops the designated target unconscious. With the last order he recamoes.
QK 2: The Djanbazan tries to shoot Armand but is killed by a DA-shot. The Hawwa on the left loots the panoply, only to get killed by the mine. So the left is cleared and action starts on the right. Rouhanni revives the designated target in the second try, then the Odalisque downs my Brawler, the Sierra and my HVT by co-working with the Ghulam-sniper. The remaining Kaplan grabs a motorcycle, while Leila grabs her nanoscreen out of the right panoply and enters suppressive fire.
Druze 2: Eventhough a lot of squishy units are advanced into the midfield, what favours my rangebands, everyone is placed so well, that it is really difficult to slice the pie in a good way. First the Pathfinder grabs his nanoscreen on the left but is stopped then by a Fanous. So the LGL-Hunzakut takes over, dropping the designated target again and killing the Kaplan on his new bike. This opens the space for my Peacemaker, which fails to drop Leila and gets shot in the try but drops the Odalisque Dt first. The Bashi Bazouk enters in the back of the core-team but misjudges the distance to an EMauler and gets isolated.
QK 3: Things are up to army points now, so a second Hafza drops my Bashi in one burst, then Leila starts and shoots out my KHD and the ABH on the right. After killing my EVO, too, she fails to wound Armand.
Druze 3: My datatracker is still alive and we are close on army-points, so I need to drop some more stuff and control the central antenna to win. Armand gets lucky and drops Leila, followed by the Ghulam sniper. On the left, my Hunzakut clears the Kameel and my Pathfinder is able to shoot his way towards the antenna in the last order.
AssaultUnicorn has killed my designated target and looted more things out of the panoplies, but I have killed more army points and controlled the antenna, while my datatracker is still alive. This makes it a 6-2 for me.
The recovery after a desastrous first turn was very impressive and the positioning in the mid-field was a serious nut to crack here. I wanted to force my Pathfinder through a lot of situations, without risking my Peacemaker, what was a bad move, since I paid the price for the Peacemaker as a oneway killing machine, so it needs to be used as such. The Bashi Bazouk had no place to shine here and the fact that I have to choose the entry-zone in the beginning of the game makes it quite hard to use him properly in many situations. The Hunzakut LGL did a great job as he is able to distract a lot and causes damage in some unexpected ways. But the speculative fire on 8 with only one die is very dangerous. This game, I rolled really well with him, but odds are definitvly not in your favour with this. So you have to choose the correct targets. It will need some practice to get the full potential of this unit used.
4.5 SWC | 283 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This list is recreated from my memory. Something is missing here, but I have no clue what I may have missed and how things are distributed then. But for the process it is only important to know, that there was Achilles and a Deva MSV, as well a lot of orders for both of them.
I lost the Lt-roll and went second in the DZ I already knew. The hope was to get Achilles diced somehow by multiple AROs around my desginated target.
Three Netrods were distributed over the field with two of them scattering somewhere in the open. One ended up quite near to the designated target, which was placed again on the right side. Two Probots hid on the flanks and two Myrmedons secured the mid of the DZ, while there were other units on overwatch scattered all over the DZ. It doesn't really matter here, since the action did not evolved around the backfield. The Deva started in the mid of the DZ next to a Myrmedon.
As far as I counted, there was at least one expensive piece missing and since I was allowed to deploy a reserve, it was likely Achilles and no Marut. I redid the deployment of the last game with the only change in having Armand as reserve and reinforce the right side with a Fugazi. The Lt again went on the walkway.
Achilles was the reserve, deploed on the right side and I placed Armand on the walkway on my left to cover all of the walkways. I miscalculated this with my Lt, since he was left alone now. Aleph datatracker was Achilles, mine was once again the Lt.
Aleph 1: My REMs are overclocked and Achilles starts. He clears my whole right side with me unable to win a singe ftf-roll here. Then he retreats a bit to enter supressive fire in the midfield. The Deva enters the walkway and crawls into LoF to my Lt and guns him down with ease. She enters supressive fire there.
Druze 1: In LoL and without my KHD, there is not much to do. The LGL pops up and critically grenades the designated target to unconsciousness and wrecking the Netrod and a mine nearby. The other Hunzakut fails to grab something out of the panoply on the left and I reposition the other things, including my MSR Brawler.
Aleph 2: Achilles rolls out again and due to my repositioning of my Brawler, he is able to reach him in 16" with ease, so that is his next target. The EVO and my Pathfinder are added onto his killing-list then, while he touches my table edge.
Druze 2: There are three orders left to get rid of Achilles. The lowest risk is to shoot him with my LGL, which fails two times. The last order sees a hit with a speculative grenade on the unconscious designated target, but he makes the save.
Aleph 3: The Doc revives the designated target and I call it here, since there are enough ressources to complete the other objectives.
I expected things to go this way and calculated for some losses on my right side, but getting wiped out there completly and loosing my Lt in addition to this, where a bit to much to recover from. Karolis did a great job in killing the biggest threads for Achilles first. My hope was, that I could slow him down enough to have my Peacemaker surviving, since it was deployed quite conservative here. But I was not cautious enough with the Auxbot here. Armand did a good job, even if his position was barely usefull here. The spot of the first game would have been better, since he had LoF to the right flank there and could have protected my Lt. Unfortunatly, I need to learn a bit more about his potential, since his restricted movement makes it difficult to be a flexible hitter in the active turn.
This list is lacking some heavy weapons for the active turn, but besides that has a lot of interesting and unexpected tools It may perform better if there are longer firelanes, since that would boost the Brawler and Armand a lot. Nevertheless, Achilles or Sheskin or whatever plays in that round is a problem without a proper solution. If there is anyone out there with better experiences so far, just hit me up!
Thanks to both of my opponents here for the interesting and nice games! Even the murder-run of Achilles was quite usefull.
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