Even if the last week was quite busy with gaming and the itch could be cured a bit, again four games could be scheduled.
Game 1:
was up for an additional test-game for the TTS-league, so I was ready
to give him someone to practice on. Since we had the match-up with Druze
already, I brough some knights to the table. The mission was "Test run"
orf "Fieldtest" or whatever - a changed Countermeasures to keep it
4.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
I have to admit, that I totally fell in love with the Peacemaker spitfire, so it was just natural to test his big brother, the Bulleteer in MO. I was a bit disappointed by the AVA of my other REMs, but that left more space for some knights. The Magister-core is a solid and hard to crack brick in most cases and the Santiago can act as a last turn solution where necessary. The KHD and the Montessa brought the needed specialists and mobility for this mission. The plan was most likely to punch quite strong with the Bulleteer and then flip the objectives one after another with my two HIs or the Pathfinder.
6 SWC | 286 Points
Open in Infinity Army
AssaultUnicorn made the discussed changes towards our first game. Unfortunately, I have no code for his correct list, so I had to recreate it by memory, what is quite impossible with his lists and Hafza-tricks. But all the key-pieces are there. A flexible Ghulam-core as backbone for actions with Hawwa, Leila and whoever needs some support. A Kaplan spitfire to clear things out and a Kameel TR just in case.
Nothing new here, but I had to go with the other DZ compared to the first match. So I deployed first in the south.
My Magister link took the left side to get the ML up on the building and hide the rest of the link behind the staircase. My REMs were scattered in the rest of the DZ, with the Santiago KHD and the Montessa more on the right to attack in the narrow lanes. Machinist and Hacker in safe positions to keep an eye on my backfield. Since all my backs were watched by a REM or by something else stationary for turn one, I was not afraid of Yuan Yuans. One magister was deployed in the south left corner, overwatching the container as the only real threatening position.
The Ghulam-core went on the right side with the ML on the high tower my Brawler Lt died on last game. They were supported by the Kameel TR, while the left was guarded by the Kaplan and the Ghulam Doc. Leila and EVO Kameel were in the center, together with a camo-troop.
The Bulleteer was placed on the right to engage the ML-Ghulam, while it was counterdeployed by the EMarat-Ghulam. My datatracker was the KHD, while Leila was nominated as QK-datatracker.
MO 1: With overclock activated and two orders reduced from group one, I had to rethink my Bulleteer-rampage a bit. First my link repositions a bit to get the ML on the building. This leads to the situation that the Magister covering my back has to leave his position on the container to stay in coherency. The ML shoots the Fanous in the left firelane, just in case. Bulleteer recieves assisted fire and goes for the Ghulam ML, which can be targeted without crossing other LoFs on the right edge. The Ghulam dies and the Bulleteer goes into cover. To score some points, the KHD and the Montessa advance coordinated. While the KHD hacks one HVT, the Montessa paramedic fails several times to medicate my HVT.
QK 1: Two Yuans use the opened spot behind the container on the left, landing successfully. The third one is placed on the right, next to my Fugazi.Kaplan, Leila and the camo-marker advance coordinated, before the first Yuan Yuan in the left is shot down by the Magister, falling out of the link for this. The other guy drops some smoke and engages my OS. Kameel TR and everything else advance further. The link advances in the midfield, dropping an E/Mauler next to my Bulleteer and finding a LoF to my standing Santiago Lt (why the hell is he standing there??). The Hafza HRL crits him one time and burns out the single Magister. I forget to put the Santiago prone here, so the second shot ends his life.
MO 2: The Montessa Knight shoots down the third Yuan and the Bulleteer fails to shoot down the Hafza or the TR Kameel and gets blasted. I shuffle the former link-members a bit to get the other Magister in CC with the Yuan Yuan but fail to kill him. While the KHD retreats a bit to be safe from Leila and the Hawwa, Pathfinder enters suppressive fire.
QK 2: The Yuan Yuan now gets double-critted by my OS in CC, while Leila and Hawwa hack a console each. A lucky crit of my Montessas BS knocks out the Hafza HRL on the way. Now the Odalisque advances, shooting down the Montessa and the ML Magister.
MO 3: The classifieds are not in my favour, so I go for army-points. The Pathfinder gets assisted fire and shoots down the Odalisque and the other link-members. I get greedy and try to shoot the Kameel TR but get wrecked in the try. Somewhere the KHD Santiago dies.
QK 3: Leila hacks a console and the Ghulam Doc manages to medicate his HVT in the second try.
In the end, I have lost nearly everything and could not score enough classifieds: I loose 8-2 with 190 to 107 army points remaining. It was a solid game from AssaultUnicorn, using my mistakes perfectly. I killed my whole core-team by myself with the two stupid decisions I made. With some more potential in turn two, I probably could have done more, but in that situation... Nevertheless, the list felt quite good and the Bulleteer is a good solution for many problems I had with MO in the past.
Game 2:
was one practice game to test the list for the third round of our
TTS-event. The mission was Countermeasures here with the addition that
the whole table is a coughy-zone where you get infected on rolls of 19
and 20. My real opponent here was Ramah again, but for this test game,
Bakunin showed up.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This list pleased me quite well in Supplies, so I only did minor changes. Saito didn't need the SO-profile here and I was lacking a paramedic. The Peacemaker should shoot the space I need for scoring and so on - quite an easy plan.
5.5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
There are no big surprises here anymore. A three-women core of Moiras with heavy weapons on the one hand and a bunch of camo-dudes on the other hand. The TM and the Custodier as possible Lt-options and a neukintics MK12 to guard some things.
This one was used in the last TTS-league, I guess and felt quite balanced for firelanes and cover in DZs, so it was chosen for this round.
I loose the Lt-roll and go first with the south DZ.
Cordelia and the Hunzakut were placed on the left, whole everything else got the right side, since there was more cover for Scarface. My Sierra took the center but with quite limited firelanes. Brawler MSR on the rooftop and the other Druze inside the building to roll out faster when the Sniper is dead. Saito should guard the way towards Arslan in hidden deployment on the right flank.
The Moira-link was deployed on the right side, with the Sniper overwatching my Brawler. Two Camo-markers were in the center (we forgot about the exclusion zone). Two other ones were on the right near the center line. Behind them the Sineater guarded the Custodier, while the Moderator was sitting back in the center of the DZ.
My Peacemaker took the left side to engage the Moiras and a Taskmaster was placed in the backfield there. Arslan should be my datatracker, while the Custodier became Nomad datatracker.
Druze 1: I wonder about a possible Lt-kill with Saito if the Custodier is the Lt here. But with the TM on the field and some camos blocking that path, I go with plan a and the Peacemaker. But first I test out the camos on the right with Scarface, failing to discover anything and getting glued by the Prowler on the retreat. The Peacemaker advances on the left. clearing the centered camos and the Moira HMG with the Auxbot.
Bakunin 1: The left camo marker on the right advances towards my link without getting discovered on the way. One mine on my link and he clims up to the Brawler, which gets shot by the Moira sniper first. The Zero scores extreme prejudice. The TM shoots down the Peacemaker.
Druze 2: Cordelia advances and repairs Scarface and the Peacemaker. The Peacemaker needs all the command points to get repaired and Cordelia catches the flu in the progress. Scarface gets glued again. Saito shoots down the Zero but gets critted by the Sineater and the Peacemaker is directly shot again by the TM. I call it here, since I lost all of my ressources and two turns without doing anything.
Yeah, what should you say here? Without quite bad dice, things could have been a bit better. Scarface could have solved the camos on his side and the Auxbot could have burned a bit more. That would have provided me more space in turn two to score some points.
Game 3:
was the actual game for the last round of our TTS-event,
Countermeasures vs. Ramah but of course a different opponent here. With
only twelve participants, it was not impossible to meet one of my locals
and so it came.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Well, the list worked once not very bad against Ramah and I always felt very confident with the classifieds, so it was clear to take it again. Mukhtars should be engaged with my Peacemaker and hopefully Arslan finds some space to score in turn two and three.
5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
I expected actually something similar to the last Ramah-list, so the missing Mukhtar MSV2 and a more stationary Namurr in a quite colorful core-link without a real long-range ARO made me quite confident. The full link would be hard to move on the table and to set up the needed smoke, some orders need to be spent.
I lost the Lt-roll again and should deploy first in the south, what quite suited me. This side seemed to be better to defend in the previous game and I knew the spots where my AROs needed to be placed. Going first is also nice with the Peacemaker and a full order pool.
The downside was that all my HVTs needed to be placed in quite open positions and if someone could cross one of the corners in the midfield, they are easy to access. So they were scattered in my half of the table. The left side was guarded by Cordelia and my Hunzakut, while Scarface and the Sierra took an odd position in the center of my DZ. The core took the right side and Saito was placed in hidden deployment behind the centered containers.
The core-team was placed around the left building with most of the guys behind it, the Khawarij prone on the roof and the Namurr a bit more open in the center of the DZ to give an ARO if needed. The Rafiq supported the link on the left, also on the rooftop. The Hortlak lay behind a crate in the center, next to the left building. One Mukhtar was placed on the ground behind the right building and the AHD took a position in the second level of the building.
My Peacemaker deployed on the right flank and Tarik build a Mukhtar-haris with deploying on the right building. Arslan was my datatracker again and Tarik should be the Ramah-one.
Druze 1: The Peacemaker recieves assisted fire and rolls out. He needs to cross the whole distance into the enemy DZ to get LoF to Tarik and the haris-Mukhtar. Three orders later, Tarik was wounded and prone, the Mukhtar dead and the Peacemaker with his Auxbot in total cover inside the DZ. To better protect my left HVT, the Hunzakut advances a bit.
Ramah 1: Tarik and the AHD-Mukhtar are crawling through the building they are in. The AHD succeeds with Datascan against my Auxbot but only after catching the flu while trying. Meanwhile Tarik tries to engage my MSR-Brawler on the right flank but is critted unconscious. The remaining orders are spent for the core-link to leave the center of the DZ and dig into the building in defensive positions. The Mukhtar can't survive the virus.
Druze 2: Such a lucky reactive turn needs to be used. Since I draw Test-run, Scarface needs to be damaged. So I choose Scarface over my Peacemaker to further attack the core-link. He advances together with Valeria through the midfield and exchanges some rounds with the Namurr and the Khawarij and recieves two wounds without doing any damage. He retreats to get repaired by his sister, while Valeria scores net-undermine in the center.
Ramah 2: The Hortlak takes care of Tariks loss. The core-link sets up some smoke on the left side and advances towards my HVT. The Khawarij tries to shoot my Hunzakut but two critical dodges and impressive armorsaves let him survive. So the Namurr has to finish this in CC with ease and kidnappes my HVT.
Druze 3: For the moment we tie on classifieds, but the luck is still on my side with In Extremis Recovery, Telemetry and HVT:Designation drawn as classifieds. Arslan breakes the link to score In Extremis Recovery on Tarik, Valeria first scores HVT:Designation, then spotlights the Hortlak nearby for Telemetry. Now the Peacemaker feels confident enough to engage the Hortlak out of cover and knocks him out. Saito appears to get some more points on the table.
Ramah 3: The Namurr plants some explosives on the wall next to her for Sabotage, while the Khawarij is burned to death by Scarfaces HRL and the Ghulam NCO sets up some smoke. This us used by the Namurr to kill Cordelia in CC.
With four classifieds scored, one with my datatracker, I win 10-3. Most of this success is done by luck on dice and classifieds, paired with some inefficient placing of my opponent. The Mukhtar-haris on the right building was hard to engage but with enough mobility easy to clear out, what left me three quarters of the table to move on. The densitiy of the table then prohibited an aggressive reaction with the core-team, eventhough my ARO-pieces were placed quite stupid most of the time. The Sierra can't see anything as I noticed later, so Scarface and the Brawler were the only "reasonable" threats here. But the difficult movement of a full core-team blocked the approach.
In total, the list performed quite good and had enough options for all the situations occured, but the exclusion zone reduced the potential significantly, since the Peacemaker needs to move more, Saito can't engage valuable targets and the Hunzakut has to cross to many firelanes to reach juicy targets. In LI it is difficult to deal with this situation, since you get too cheap with your Pathfinders and a strong homebase-defense is to slow to score the objectives in turn two and three. But with more then 10 slots available, I would try to rely less on infiltrating units in such missions and go more with the defensive Druze-core with some Pathfinders.
Game 4:
The last game of this week was again against @AssaultUnicorn
as the next round of the TTS-league started and we wanted to test the
recovery-mission. With Druze, I would go with my "REMtasy"-list for this
(without seeing the table!) and since we already know how I react to QK
with Druze and how this particular list can perform against QK, I
wanted to throw something else against him. We talked about Kaplans a
lot in the past, and both of us are interested in ForCo, so I took the
chance and chose ForCo here.
Recovery is a slightly changed version of Capture & Protect, so there is a need for fast units to grab the objective, a strong defense to safe your beacon and something to deal with the enemy-defense.
Recovery is a slightly changed version of Capture & Protect, so there is a need for fast units to grab the objective, a strong defense to safe your beacon and something to deal with the enemy-defense.
5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Group one was about my defense with the Securitate-link and about objective grabbing with the Pathfinder. All the aggression is grouped in the second group with some infiltrators to secure the midfield, a Kaplan-haris to shoot things and a Peacemaker to do the same. Hopefully most of you see my mistake here directly, but it will be obvious in the report with the expected result.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
I am not 100% sure to have everything in the right group here, but all the units are in. A very colorful Djanbazan-core with four wildcard-troopers in it and the SMR as reserve to do most of the work, supported by some REMs. Notable is the Kaplan MSR as a single ARO-piece. Hawwa, EVO-Kameel and Yuans were expected.
While the table for the last TTS-event was quite dense, this one is the total opposite here. I have to say that it is one of the most open tables I played on in the narrow past, what caused my actual list-building process to fail.
I lost the Lt-roll again and went first in the south DZ, while AssaultUnicorn chose the better north DZ.
My Kaplans and the Fugazi overwatched the left side of my DZ, my Securitate-link was placed in the center and the Pathfinder was alone on the right. The Croc and his mine blocked the right approach, the Zero minelayer the left side and the KHD the center. Goal here was to leave no safe space for Yuan Yuans in my DZ, with the trade-off that I have to choose during the deployment, which unit can move in turn one without opening new gaps.
QKs left side was covered by the Kameel and two Fanous'. The third overwatched the center, together with parts of the core-team, which is lined up behind the wall-section on the right. The SMR and the Kaplan took positions to be ready to get nice ARO-positions in turn one.
My Peacemaker took the right side to access the link, while it is counterdeployed by the Hawwa. This was a bit expected, and should fit my plan for turn one. My datatracker was the Kaplan Blitzen, since the Spitfire was likely to die in combat and Leila was the QK datatracker.
ForCo 1: Group two is reduced by two orders and the Fanous' are overclocked. I want to clear the left side with my Zero KHD, not thinking about two things: The KHD is in the reduced group two and the repeaters will make it a suicide run on the Kameel with Leila on the table. You need to stay concentrated!! Nevertheless, I started by dragging the KHD in group one. He advances to the left and gets discovered by a Fanous, following by a successful flashpulse. He recamos in a safe position. Since I don't want to punch holes into my own deployment, I only shuffle my units a bit with the remaining orders.
QK 1: One Yuan Yuan enters the field on each flank, setting up some smoke. The third one successfully lands on the left side slightly out of LoF to my minelayer Zero. The core-team advances under smoke and Leila kills my designated target in the second try. The Djanbazain HMG then shoots down the Feuerbach. On the left one Yuan Yuan kills the Zero minelayer with his chainrifle, while the other one dies by trying to engage my haris. The Kaplan and the SMR Djanbazan advance a bit on the far right into good ARO-spots.
ForCo 2: The core-team is lined up quite nice for a flamethrower, so the Peacemaker is the way to go here. There was a reasonable plan to do this with the limited ressources in both groups, but due to some distraction around, I forgot about it quite fast. So I simply advance the Peacemaker in a long path (the direct way is denied by the SMR Djanbazan) with the small order pool he has in group two and only bait out the Hawwa and getting stuck in the midfield. Luckily I make my BTS saves against the Hawwa and survive the flaspulses I have not seen from the Fanous'. The Zero KHD now uses the Peacemakers repeater to fry the Hawwa and gets stunned by his second try to deal with the Fanous'. The Pathfinder switches sides but fails to kill the Yuan Yuan on the left.
QK 2: The Yuan Yuan on the left trades himself for the Peacemaker, while the one on the left tanks the mine and sets up smoke. This is used by the Bashi Bazouk, which fails to threaten my Kaplans and enters suppressive fire in the smoke. The core-team takes down my Pathfinder.
ForCo 3: I drag everything except Laxmee in group one. Laxmee fails to kill the Bashi and gets shot. So the Blitzen Kaplan tries to shoot him, without any results. The last option to score some points is to get my Spitfire towards the designated target, so it stands up, shoots down the Bashi and Yuan Yuan in one shot (things are getting redicilous here) and advancing in the midfield. He drops both Fanous' in a second shot but then fails his cautious move through a firelane covered by the Kaplan MSR and slightly touched by the Djanbazan HMG.
QK 3: Leila activates the antenna on the right. The Hafza HRL uses the Auxbot to shoot the mine of the Croc, while the Croc dodges. The Odalisque now takes out the Croc and the Bolt. The Hafza Lt now grabs the beacon and drags it towards his DZ.
In the end I loose 7-0 simply to bad decisionmaking during list building and followed by other plans not thought through well. (And of course a good game of AssaultUnicorn, but that is always a strong thing!!!)
In general, I like all the units and tools I have in my list, but the Kaplans need to be in group one to have the hacking out of group two and have more ressources for the Peacemaker. Now all tools were in group two and were buying orders from each other, while the Securitates had nothing to do. Not having any long-range weapons available was the additional nail in my coffin on this table. AssaultUnicorn utilized his long-range and mid-range AROs quite good, so that there was always somebody watching the important firelanes.
Final thoughts:
First a short resume of our TTS-event "Pandemic Protocol". For me, it turned out quite good and could have been better if the second game went slightly different, what really satisfies me since Druze is no real LI-sectorial. Nevertheless it was real fun and it gave the sectorial a new and interesting flavour. I'd love to have more things done with Le Muet, but at least I really fell in love with Arslan as a unique tool with good capabilities to do a lot of things. And of course I used the Peacemaker a lot and really fell in love with him. In most cases, he will be the way to go in most of my future lists, since he solves the major problem of your turn one and interacts really good with the whole sectorial.
The additional rules for the scenarios were defenitivly in my favor and had the expected impact on each mission, since it made everything more deadly as it already is. With LI-lists, this may be a bit gamebreaking, but for the moment I heard no negativity about this. But for a normal tournament, I would avoid such things, since it makes things more complicated and makes decision making even more difficult.
In general, I have the feeling that LI benefits my play and the inclusion of the Peacemaker made a big impact. I never missed a full core-link and I never missed the EM-LGL as a unique tool for Druze. More than two camo-markers are still a problem, but it is better to engage with two Pathfinders on the table or by the Peacemaker on his own. Over the course of the event we learned that I can drop my link at any time needed without any restrictions, what let me avoid many of the camo-mine-interactions my regular Aleph/Bakunin-opponent forces most of the time.
But I have to admit, that things arent that close sometimes as it were before. When things are going south, they are going south rapidly and from time to time, there are games where I completly forget how to play Infinity. Maybe this is something caused by the amount of games I have played in the last weeks and the interactions with other things to do during the day. In real life, you can dedicate time more easily for a game, while now you are playing out of the home-office sometimes, which sucks a bit.
Nevertheless I am going into an upcoming TTS-tournament quite confident with chances against better ranked players and in good hope to give AssaultUnicorn some more defeats in the future.
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