Again, there are some games to report. Some days off in this time open quite some space for interesting games.
Game 1:
Somehow I got a real itch to field the Al Fasid and @AssaultUnicorn
was searching for an opponent to test his LI Dashat-list in the recent
mission for the TTS-league. So I took this chance and clicked together
something that feeled like a good-stuff vanilla Haqqislam-list but felt
quite potent somehow.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Since I took the one big guy here, I saw no reason for not including a second HI and I always wanted to test the Ayyar, since he is a really cool guy! The rest was filled with troops good for scoring different things and able to do several things at the same time while being mobile enough to strike where necessary.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
There was a rock-solid core-link with a Zuyong HMG and the Rui Shi as heavy hitters, backed up by two ABHs to keep the cost down. I was not surprised to see an Al Fasid on the other side, this time, since I know he is a fan of this big guy and I anounced using him before. But here was a Hulang as omnipotent gunfighter to support him. The package was rounded by a Zhencha to reach the dangerous spots if needed.
I don't know where AussaultUnicorn dug out this table, but it was a quite fun one with a lot of forest-terrain and so with a lot of low-vis and saturation-zones.
I won the Lt-roll and decided to go first. AssaultUnicorn picked the north DZ for his deployment.
The left side is covered by my Ayyar in Holo2-state, my Shihab and the Hawwa in camo-state, while the Farzan takes the center of my deployment. The Al Fasid is placed in total cover on the right with his mine on the flank. The Hafza is disguised as a second Naffatun. Both of them have positions in the right backfield. The Mukhtar should go on the left, a bit centered. My Fiday is deployed in the building on the left near the opposite DZ.
The Zuyong-team took the right building with Valeria outside of the link as reserve-filler if needed. On the right, the Fasid overwatches the firelane towards my DZ and his mine covers the backfield.
I choose not to deploy my Nahab, while AssaultUnicorn deploys a Hulang overwatching my Fiday. While I nominate my Fasid as datatracker, Gromoz becomes the other one.
Haqq 1: The Mukhtar advances through the left building and drops the Al Fasid with ease. Now the Ayyar advances but can only force the Hulang in cover. On his way he scores a classified on the HVT on this side. The Ayyar and my Mukhtar enter suppressive fire.
Dashat 1: The Hulang imm-2ed my Ayyar with an EM-grenade and takes out my Mukhtar. After activating the central console, the HVT on the left is replaced and the link shuffles a bitt o gain more LoF in the center.
Haqq 2: My Hawwa starts and tries to spotlight the HVT but fails several times until Saito Togan appears and engages him. With his last order, the Hawwa succeeds to carbonite the Hulang. This is used by my Fiday to clear out Al-Fasids mine and the Hulang but gets shot by the Rui Shi. My Nahab enters on the near right side but gets critically glued by the ABH.
Dashat 2: Saito kills my Hawwa and the Zhencha approaches in the midfield, placing a mine and activating the right console. Then he treats back in camo state.
Haqq 3: My Farzan activates the central console but failst o drop Saito. Now my Fasid advances a bit and drops the Rui Shi on his way.
Dashat 3: Saito gets his knife into my Farzan and finally finishs my Ayyar in CC. The Zuyong HMG forces my Fasid into cover after he recieves one wound. Valeria scans one additional HVT and the Zhencha fails with his DEP on my wounded Fasid.
With 9 – 2 and 180 to 130 remaining points, @AssaultUnicorn wins this game. His Hulang was quite scary and took more ressources than expected. In general, this was a very cool game and the list performed quite good, since everyone was able tot o his job…Besides the Nahab. There was a nice spot next tot he Fasid and outside the DZ for him, but here the Fasids mine was gold. Maybe he could have killed the Fasid in one order, but with the next ordert he mine would have probably taken the Nahab out, so I needed an other plan.
The only problem here was that there were so many cool and good units in the game, that the Fasid had no need to roll out or was not the best option for most of the jobs. Yes, he is a big toolbox and a great unit, but at least after the addition of the Ramah-units, badly optimized in everything, there is always someone better in a single task. So you really need to create a place for him in Vanilla. In Druze, that should be something different, but maybe he ist o good there with the smoke-launcher and minelayer.
Game 2:
one was a test-game for our event-match against my regular local
opponent, who is also playing Bakunin in this event. I was not happy
with this, since Bakunin sucks and in a different way than Ramah does,
but it was a nice opportunity to test the list for the mission.
We played Supplies like it is in ITS 11 but with a 16" deep infection-zone around the center-line. On each roll of 19 or 20, you get infected like it is written in the viral outbreak mission. So failing to grab a box can be very dangerous and the mission becomes quite lethal.
We played Supplies like it is in ITS 11 but with a 16" deep infection-zone around the center-line. On each roll of 19 or 20, you get infected like it is written in the viral outbreak mission. So failing to grab a box can be very dangerous and the mission becomes quite lethal.
6 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
I wanted to have at least two fast specialists to grab the boxes, so the Hunzakut made it into the list and Saito thanks to his TO and infiltration abilities. To fill the points, Scarface was included and since I needed a good engineer and someone to buff my REMs, Valeria should accompany Scarface here. The Peacemaker was intended as a corner-guard if I go second, so the heavy shotgun seemed to be the way to go. I didn't want to leave without MSV this time, so the Brawler-MSR was included with at least two Druze to form a small but flexible link. Arslan as point-filler and the HMG for reasons.
6 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This time, the Riot Grrls were there again, backed up by three camo-guys and a strong hacking brick fomed of Custodiers and one Healer. There were specialists available on each corner and a solid link to guard the paths to the consoles.
For this round in the event, everyone is using the supplies-table from VaulSCs league.
I loose the LT-roll and deploy second in the south.
The Reverends are placed on the left side, guarded by two camo markers in the midfield. The Riot-link deploys on the right with the ML on overwatch for the middle console. Two camo markers are deployed on the roof near the right crate.
My Brawler MSR takes the building on the right side to have a look on the left console, while the Peacemaker and the Sierra take positions on the left, overwatching the left side and the midfield. Scarface takes the center with Valeria. My Hunzakuts starts in the center of the table and Saito is placed in hidden deployment next to the right crate.
Bakunin 1: The Reverends advance on the left and shooting pitchers into my DZ. On the right side, the Zero KHD opens up the crate and extract a box, while being engaged by Saito. With the last order, Scarface gets possessed by the Reverend Custodier.
Druze 1: I cancel the possessed-state and reform the duo-link. My Sierra drops the pitchers and the Zero minelayer on the left and Scarfaces advances into the midfield. A double-crit drops the Riot ML and the BS-Grrl but Valeria dies somewhere on the way.
Bakunin 2: The Reverends shift to the right side and the Healer picks up the ML. Now the Spitfire drops Scarface.
Druze 2: My Hunzakut scores HVT: Designation on the nearby HVT and gets shot on his way back. Cordelia fails to repair Scarface but gets rid of the mine on the left crate.
Bakunin 3: The Reverends grab a box on the left crate, while the Prowler drops my Brawler. The Riots are advancing in the midfield, grouped in a narrow corridor.
Druze 3: Saito kills the Zero and picks up the box. He fires a speculative smoke-grenade between the Riots, so that Cordelia can advance and secure the HVT. Arslan takes care of the Prowler.
I win this close 3-1, since we tie on boxes but I made both classifieds. Against Bakunin my list was lacking a solid hacking-game, which made Scarface a big target for the Reverends. As the main attack-piece, this was a bit risky and after loosing him, I needed to dig really deep into my toolbox to secure the game, since the Druze HMG is to slow to reach the important places in turn three. So this was an additional game with him not having made a single shot. The Peacemaker was nice, since he scared away the Reverends and forced the Zero to guard them, but paying 21 points for a single Flamethrower seems to be a bit expensive.
Game 3:
Again I was one of the test-partners for @AssaultUnicorn
in the upcoming league-mission "Field Test". This time we wanted to go
on full force and instead creating something completly new, I took Druze
for this - it should be as hard as possible for him!
4.5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
It felt like an odd decision to take this REM-list for this mission, since there are several different classifieds to be accomplished, but with the characters in it and some specialists, I was confident to match some of the classifieds and deny everything else. Most of the REMs are for aggressive redundancy and button pushing, while Scarface is as always nothing more than a bait.
6 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
A flexible Ghulam-core with several opportunities to score the classifieds was supported by a guy in reserve. Most of the scoring-potential was included in group two with the Hawwa as the only real infiltrator and the Kaplan-haris as a scary shooting and buttonpushing-brick with Leila in it. Of course there are some Yuan Yuans to distract the first attack from the valuable targets.
The table is quite dense with some odd firelanes in between. You really have to circulate a lot to get your LoF and to estimate things right. The elevation of the dark area makes things really interesting and gives some delusive cover.
I lost the Lt-roll and deployed second in the north DZ.
Leila and her two Kaplans are deployed on the right behind a billboard, with the Hawwa in the center, a bit advanced. The Ghulam-team hides on the left behind the staircase and a Ghulam hacker is nearby on the corner of the elevated dark area. The HVTs were as far forwarded as necessary, scatter over the whole table.
Scarface and Valeria take the left side, while my REMs are scattered over the whole DZ, looking to each side. The Pathfinders are all deployed on the right side, while the left one should be guarded by my Sierra. The Lt is lying on the highest position possible and the ABH takes care of Valeria. The Peacemaker is ready to start on the left with the Auxbot ensuring a burning welcome for every pirate. The Druze KHD is lying on therooftop in the center of my DZ, ready to stand up and rescue the situation.
A Shihab is placed in the center, while I deploy my Sierra in the left corridor on some crates. The Kaplan engineer is nominated as datatracker, while I nominate my Druze KHD.
QK 1: I forget to overclock my REMs but reduce group two by two orders, so that the haris isn't going anywhere. Three Yuan Yuans drop from the sky, everyone next to Scarface but out of LoF, since there is no other juicy spot uncovered. One Yuan Yuan fights with a monofilament-ccw, while an other one grabs a light flamethrower. Some smoke is distributed and the Yuan Yuans start harassing my flank. One chainrifles my ABH and my Sierra, while Valeria and the Kameel make their saves and the Sierra is shooting him down. The monofilament-guy is boxed unconscious by Scarface in CC, while the guy with his torch burns out Valeria and the Nasmat on that side. With the remaining orders, the Ghulam links shuffles on the left side and the Ghulam sniper climbs on the rooftop. The Shihab also advances a bit.
Druze 1: Scarface tanks the flamethrower and shoots down the last Yuan Yuan. As there is no juicy objective drawn for the moment, I decide to reduce the scoring potential by burning out the Kaplans and Leila. For this, the Peacemaker gets assisted fire and advances through the midfield. On his way the Shihab and the Hafza HRL are shot down. The Auxbot reaches the haris and everyone fails their dodge-rolls and armor-saves, but the Auxbot is shot by the Ghulam sniper. I advance a Pathfinder a bit and overclock my remotes.
QK 2: The Ghulam Hacker refills the core-team and the sniper kills my Peacemaker. The Warcor scores harvest (remove something in CC) on my Auxbot. Now the Ghulam-link shifts into the mid of the DZ and the sniper climbs the central building from where he gets LoF to my Lt. I succeed at several dodge-rolls so my Lt survives.
Druze 2: My Lt won't survive a second turn but has no option to leave his position. So I need to score a lot in this turn and prepare for a short third one. I redraw a harvest-classified instead of something other juicy. Luckily, Scarface has a Yuan Yuan in front of him, who he finishs now. To reduce the danger from the Ghulam-team, Scarface advances, doublecritting the Odalisque on his way but then getting imm-2ed by an E-Mauler while failing to wound the Hawwa. Cordelia and her remaining Nasmat advances a bit and my REMs are overclocked.
QK 3: Only few orders are left and no good classifieds are drawn. The sniper finally drops my Lt.
Druze 3: In LoL, I am one order short to score a second classifieds. I try two times and loose a Fugazi and a Pathfinder, until I remember the OPs for surviving army points, so I skip the last try for a classified and call it here.
In the end, we tie on classifieds and nobody has done one with his datatracker. Since mine is alive and more army points are surviving, I win this game 4-1. We discussed that, besides bad dice for @AssaultUnicorn and some really nice rolls on my side, the Yuan Yuans were a bit too much in turn one, since thei consumed all the orders, which could have been used for the haris. It was quite obvious, that my Auxbot will try a shot on them in their actual position and with Cordelia in the back, I was confident to get him there. In the end, the Peacemaker was a beast again, nut when it comes to a fully linked sniper, things become serious and I have to take risks. I didn't want to engage him with Scarface on more than 24", so that was the problem I had to deal with after I got no LoF to him in turn one. AssaultUnicorn digged in quite well in the late game and did his best to make it as hard as possible for me, but since most of the specialists were gone, he only could scare me away and hope for fitting classifieds.
Thanks a lot for this game!
Game 4:
was finally the scheduled game of Supplies in our current TTS-event
"Dragon Corp Pandemic Protocol". Since the pairings were done in the
beginning, I knew it would be against Ramah and I was expecting a
Mukhtar-haris, Tarik with some Ghulams and some other toys. So I decided
to skip my hacking-game here and invest a bit more in heavy hitters. I
changed the Peacemaker into the spitfire here, because it was gold in
the last games and the table was that open, that the shotgun wouldn't
have been a good attack piece.
5.5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
I was thinking about upgrading the single Druze to a KHD, but than Saito had to be the normal one, which would have been a high risk in this mission. If there would not have been a specialist nearby his position, the crate is unopened and he can't grab the box. So the SO-profile was the one to go with in this case.
5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Mainly what I was expecting. The Mukhtar-haris is too shooty and mobile to be left at home in this mission and the Ghulam-core is always a great backbone. To fill the points, Tarik may be the best addition here. Carmen & Batard are the needed smoke-support for the Mukhtar and the Khawarij, while also quite fast. The Tuareg Doc would also have been my last pick in this mission, since he offers some tricks with the crates.
I loose the Lt-roll and deployed second in the south (since I already knew this side).
The Mukhtars are deployed on the left flank, while the Ghulam-core takes the center, ready to attack over the right side. Carmen & Batard hide on the right.
The Peacemaker takes the left side with the Auxbot overwatching the corner where Mukhtars will start shooting at my Brawler, while the core-link finds a nice spot for the Brawler in the center. Cordelia hides in the center and Scarface sets up a defensive position in the right corner to use his HRL here. Saito is placed in hidden deployment next to the right crate.
Something is placed in hidden deployment, while I set up my Sierra in the right center to overwatch the path of the Mukhtars on the left.
Ramah 1: The MSV-Mukhtar takes a step to the left and shoots my Auxbot out of safety-distance. Now Tarik rolls out, dropping my Brawler and doing two wounds on Scarface, until one HRL-hit forces him into safety. Carmen sets up smoke, which is used by the MSV-Mukhtar to drop my Sierra. The Doc tries to grab the box on the left but only catches a flue on that crate. The Tuareg appears on the right and is engaged by Saito on his way to the crate.
The Mukhtar Doc survives his flue.
Druze 1: Since the Mukhtars are out of cover on the left, the Peacemaker crosses the edge and shoots everyone of them down. The MSV-Mukhtar is dropped right after he starts sneezing. My Hunzakuts engages the Ghulam-link hiding in the right building and gets shot by placing a mine in the entrance to that building. Scarface advances a bit and enters suppressive fire to avoid someone leaving the building on my side.
Ramah 2: The link is reformed without the sniper, which is used to clear the mine. He fails his dodge but makes his save. Now the Ghulam-link is reformed back to five bodies. The Khawarij jumps up and shoots Saito out of the CC, while the Tuareg makes one save against a missed bullet. Leila takes the middle box after Scarface is shot by the Khawarij and the Tuareg grabs the right box and retreats.
Druze 2: There will be nothing to gain in this turn, so Cordelia advances on the left, grabbing the last box and hiding as good as possible in the building nearby. In the progress, the Nasmat repairs the Sierra.
Ramah 3: Carmen & Batard advance Cordelia and set up smoke on their way. Batard kills Cordelia in CC and grabs the box. Both retreat into the central building near the northern DZ.
Druze 3: This turn is medded up completly, since we forgot about Batards mimetism and one CP spent on my side by reparing the Sierra. I advance Arslan coordinated with the Sierra, Peacemaker and Valeria into the midfield, while shooting on Batard. He dodges several times but is finally dropped down but with the box out of reach. Arslan tries to reach it but dies to a crit of Carmes heavy pistol. Valerie barely reaches the ZoC of the enemy HVT, what was impossible if I had counted my CPs correctly.
So the game ends in a 8-0 for Ramah. It was a quite intense game with things going down in the second half of my first turn. The Peacemaker made a good job but took one order to much for this. So there were no ressources left to eleminate the Ghulam sniper and safely place the mine. Maybe I should have shot the sniper with my Hunzakut first, but the risk of dying before the mine was placed, appeared to be too high here. Everything else came down to dice then and my missing ressources to dig out a full core-link.
At least some close wins, but clear losses for this week. The important game for our event was lost in the end, which is not that nice. But in general, I am very satisfied with how things turned out in this games and that most of them were quite close with some options left in turn two and three.
Thanks to all my opponents for this and thanks to Vaulsc and all the other people beyond the TTS-communitiy for the lovely tables and the work he invests into the TTS-community at the moment!
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