While I expected to have more games in LI over the last days, I was able
to test the MSR-variant of my "bigger" list two times with mixed
results but good experiences:
Game 1:
5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Compared to the previous version the changes are small but important. First, the MSR Brawler was switched to the MSR Druze as main attack-piece, followed by the HMG. To have a specialist by hand, the Brawler Doc made his first appearance in this link, since the odds are better with WIP 12 than PH 8 with the paramedic.To get more out of the AHD, it was switched between the groups to help out if the SMR-haris failed.
5.5 SWC | 293 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This is not the correct list and not the correct distribution of the troops, but everything essential is here. A flexible Moderator-link, some midfield-clearance by the Reverends and a Taskmaster to clear out what the camos can't handle.
Since TTS lets you try things you can't have in real life, I wanted to play this interesting looking train-table. There are some interesting firelanes, if you get into elevated positions, but besides that, long range weapons seem only to shine on the right side, while the containers on the left open up some other interesting but difficult options.
I won the Lt-roll and went second this time, given the south DZ.
The Moderator-core went on the central right, with the MSR on the building and the spitfire behind. Three camo-markers blocked the right corridors. On the left side, the Custodier-haris should clear things on their own, only supported by a Morlock.
I was quite confident to beat the Custodiers with mines and hacking, so my haris-team went on the left side, supported by a Fugazi and my Hunzakut in the center. Everything else was grouped on the right to handle the camos and coordinate a counter-attack with the Druze MSR or HMG then. My REMs should take the discovery of the approaching camos. THe Bashi Bazouk was dedicated to the far right flank.
A Taskmaster HMG took the heavy work in the right corridors and I also reinforced the position there with my Peacemaker near the center line.
Bakunin 1: Overclock is activated and two orders are taken from the group with more camos in it. The Taskmaster starts by wrecking the right Fugazi, which is used by two camo-markers to approach. Both getting discovered between all my units in front of the pile of barrels. In the evolving firefights a Zero dies, while the Prowler survives. On my side the Peacemaker, my Pathfinder and the Druze MSR go down. The haris advances on the left.
Druze 1: Since the Prowler has survived and is blocking all my movement on the right, the AHD is sent out to finish him off. The Doc revives my MSR and everything repositions a bit. On the left side my Hunzakut places a mine and a repeater in the gap between the containers. The KHD fails to hack the Custodier in range, but at least the mine finishes the Healer.
Bakunin 2: The Morlock crosses the containers and dies to the Hunzakut. On the right the last camo advances and places a mine next to my link and the AHD Brawler but dies in the progress. Now the Taskmaster takes the run, but can't do any damage on the link. Even the mine goes off without effect (uff!!).
Druze 2: There is no good option to deal with the Taskmaster, so I have to take the risk and shoot at the TM out of cover. This is not survived by the Druze MSR, but the Doc revives him a second time and everyone repositions a bit. The mine-hacking trick of my KHD and Hunzakut is performed a second time on the left, knocking out both Custodiers.
Bakunin 3: The Moderators start moving, so that the MSR could take out my MSR with a long shot. The TM then kills my AHD and advances into my DZ and enters suppressive fire.
Druze 3: I know I had won here, since the Moderators left their position from where they could see my entering Bashi Bazouk and the Taskmaster was in my DZ. Nevertheless, I wanted to make it clear. The Brawler Doc somehow kills the TM, while the HMG dies by climbing on the building.
With the Bashi Bazouk in the far sector and my Hunzakut in the mid, I won 7-1, more to luck, than to skill here. Killing the TM with the Doc was more than unusual, if he had stayed out of my DZ. The camos in the first two turns did all the damage they needed to do, even with a moderate performance this time. Again, I found no effective way to handle them properly. Most of the time, one mine or a well placed BSG-shot is enough to cripple my entire next turn or even the whole game here. On the other side, the Hunzakut and my haris-team performed super well, even with most of them not doing anything. But the flexibility the haris offers is great and if they could get into positions with closer ranges, they really shine.
Am I satsified with the Druze MSR? Not really in this game. Whenever I needed his mimetism, the dice were not in my favour. But I am really suprised by the Brawler Doc. I ranted about him several times in this thread, I guess, but he had proven me wrong. WIP 12 together with the option to get someone back is really great and his loadout really fits into the range-gap the link has between 8" and 16", so he is a thread on his own. Great guy!
Game 2:
5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
I took my new list again, just to see the Druze MSR in action and test it out more. The plan for Unmasking was to flip one or two consoles with the Hunzakut, have one Decoy killed with the Bashi Bazouk and wrap things up with my haris, if needed. A second infiltrator would have been gold in this mission, but hey...
5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This game should result in a mirror-match somehow with a Druze-core against me. A Druze KHD should do the main work together with Leila, while there were many back-up pieces to deny every path needed.
Since there was a table available for unmasking, we decided to take it. The office-rooms in the center had walls of infinite height, making the right side quite closed, while long-range actions were dedicated to the left side.
I think, I won the Lt-roll again and decided to go second, leaving me deploying first in the south. This was thought through here, since I expected some Yuan Yuans and wanted them to jump into a denser line of defense, not weakend by a previous movement on my side. So I hoped to survive this alpha-strike in a good shape and have my Hunzakut still available then to klick the consoles.
Two of my HVTs went on the left side, quite open, with my Designated Target behind the container on the left flank. The other HVT was placed well protected on the right behind the office walls.
The left side was guarded by my core-team and the Peacemaker, while both Fugazis went into the center. My haris was advanced on the right side, backed up by my Pathfinder and the Brawler AHD. To hold back my Bashi Bazouk, I had to deploy the Hunzakut in the office, hidden under a desk. My Lt. took a nap on the building on my side.
One HVT was placed on each side, while an other one directly in the center, behind the office wall and overwatched by the central building.
A core-link with Leila deployed in the central building, while a Kaplan engineer guarded the right entrance to the office. The Druze KHD hid on the advanced left flank. while a TR-bot covered the left HVT and some more area on the left. A camo-marker was deployed in the office on the right side.
This deployment let enough space for some Yuan Yuans, so I planned for the worst, even with no EVO-Kameel on his side.
The Bashi Bazouk should get into trouble too soon by taking the far left spot, so he should assassinate the right HVT. A Djanbazan appeared on the roof of the left building, overwatching all my movements on that side. My datatracker was the Druze SMR, while AssaultUnicorn nominated Leila.
QK 1: My REMs were overclocked and I reduced group one by two orders, since I wanted to limit the movement of the Druze. Only one Yuan Yuan entered the battlefield on the left side, smoking up the LoF of the Djanbazan. The camo-marker starts by switching the right console and retreating out of the office. My Decoy on the right was revealed. The Druze KHD switches the other two consoles and getting stuck in the central room of the office by failing to cybermask her. The Djanbazan let bounce off a whole burst of his HMG on the Peacemakers armor.
Druze 1: Again my mind and fear for Yuan Yuans tricked me totally, but better be prepared than getting wrecked immideatly. My Bashi Bazouk enters the battlefield to clear out the Hawwa in one shot, but can't handle the Druze SMR and dies. My haris advances and in the shootout between both Druze KHDs, mine got shot. So the Hunzakut crawled through the whole office to finally take out the KHD and recamoes on the right console. My REMs advances a bit and getting overclocked to strengthen my defence a bit, since the rest of the haris-team is more than opposed.
QK 2: The Yuan Yuan gets stunned on his way to my Designated Target. This time, the Djanbazan succeeds on my Peacemaker, but is not able to take out the central Fugazi. To my suprise, a Bashi Bazouk enters on my near right side where the Hunzakut was hiding. The Hunzakut is not able to pick or hit the right target and is shot down. With renewed holoechoes, the Bashi Bazouk leaves the office and in a hail of fire, my Decoy is killed together with the SMR-Druze, while the real Bashi Bazouks survives all AROs. Leila cybermasks herself and advances to the central HVT.
Druze 2: I am quite locked due to the chain-colt of the Bashi Bazouk. I pull everyone but my Lt in group two. My Lt. stands up to clear out the Bashi Bazouk and gets back prone with the next order. Now the time is there for a highly mobile specialist, so my Pathfinder starts his way, switching both consoles in the office and revealing both HVTs on the flanks. I planned for Decoys here to get them for the one objective point, but in the end AssaultUnicorn gave his best to hide his Designated Target as a Decoy, so I revealed it on the left flank, in LoF to my Pathfinder. With MMSL2 activated and a few orders later, the Designated Target was dead and my Pathfinder in a good position in the central office-room.
QK 3: The Yuan Yuan failed to kill the Designated Target or the Decoy he is in between, but Leila is by hand, sneacking around my Pathfinder and killing the Designated Target.
Druze 3: Since I have nothing by hand to handle Leila and the Yuan Yuan on the left to get the tie, I try to tie at least in Decoys. For this, the Pathfinder approaches the Druze on the right, killing them one by one and surviving the Djanbazan while crossing his LoF. But I am one order short to get into LoF to the Decoy on the right.
I loose 7 - 5 against AssaultUnicorn in a very interesting and funny game. While looking at his deployment and the actual list, I am freaking out a little bit about the missed chance for an easy Lt-kill, since the Bashi could have taken the "Kaplan" out easily and he was the only Lt-option on the field. Normally I am quite confident with mind-games in my play, but this time (with the last games in mind), I found my master or my nemesis in AssaultUnicorn! Not only I can hardly predict his lists and actions, he also dictates my game in great ways and has a solution by hand everytime. Eventhough I got his Designated Target and riddled him mine quite good.
It was quite interesting to have a game against Druze in an other incarnation, since QK is said to be one alternative to play Druze differently. I am not a big fan of them in QK in general - You have to take the full core-team and put a lot of points into an immobile brick, or have quite slow solo-pieces. I am missing the haris-option here, eventhough I like the SMR and the KHD as a duo-team to get a better midfield-presence in QK. From my point of view, this was proven right in this game. The big investment in the core-team did not pay off great and I was offered a lot of space to get back into play due to the missing overwatching pieces. A haris-team would have made it very hard for me here. Now, a lucky shot of my Hunzakut on the Bashi Bazouk could have been quite devastating, since I had more options to deal with Leila - probably.
But maybe AssaultUnicorn can tell his thoughts about this, too?
The Druze MSR did nothing this game, so nothing to say about him. But in general, I like how this list plays out and offers solutions to many different situations. Finally I could try a Pathfinder in full action and I am really impressed by the flexibility and his potential in gunfights. With MMSL2 on him, he can fight against many targets in close ranges and as long as he stays out of template-ranges, there are only a few expensive tools in DBS comparable with his potential. This will be done more often!
Game 3:
4.5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This time, I went a small step back towards one full combat group and a smaller support-group. Only a small step, since I am convinced of even combat groups and Scarface together with Cordelia forces me into support tasks in group one, so group two needs something to do, so it got the Sierra and a Fugazi. The Sierra should take some attack-tasks and the Fugazi should deliver sniffers where needed, so that the Pathfinders could deal with camo-markers. In theory. Valeria goes into the duo with Scarface to free Cordelia as my ensurance policy. After the Peacemaker is out of the game, the Pathfinders should take the work and engage on shorter ranges in turn two and three. Scarface is there fore...Cordelia.
5.5 SWC | 293 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Well, the same problem as in the last game against Bakunin - I can't recall the list correctly, but it looked like something in this shape.
I tried a lot of tables here, but only the salt mine seemed cool enough and had a good set-up for Capture and Protect. It appears a bit open on the first sight, but in detail is well strucutred and great fun.
I won the Lt-roll and went first. For this, I was given the south DZ.
Scarface and my Sierra went on the left side with closer ranges, together with a Pathfinder and one Fugazi. The right saw two Pathfinders, Cordelia and an additional Fugazi, as well as a ABH. My Druze KHD hid on the containers in front of my beacon.
The Moderator-link went on the right with the MSR elevated on overwatch. Two camo markers went in the center, a third one on the central left in front of the Morlock and the Reveredn-link.
My Peacemaker found a nice spot on the left to engage the MSR. A Taskmaster denied his path towards the Moderators by deploying in the center. We forgot about datatrackers.
Druze 1: The Peacemaker gets MMSL2 and takes two orders to knock out the Moderator MSR, then is unable to get at least one wound on the Taskmaster, so he retreats a bit. The left Fugazi advances towards the center line to screen the center and support Scarface. The REMs are overclocked then.
Bakunin 1: The first camo marker advances and disabling my Peacemaker (Zero BSG). He gets stunned in this action. The camo marker on the left advances and reaching a position in front of my Sierra. This Prowler tries to glue Scarface, while I let my Sierra dodge the possible LFT. Nothing happens, except for a stunned but alive Prowler. The Reverends advance on the far left, firing a pitcher next to Scarface. I reset against the hacking-attempt.
Druze 2: The Prowler is a major threat, since he locks down nearly everything on my left side. I try to remove him with the central Pathfinder out of cover but got knocked out by myself. So Cordelia lets her Palbot repair the Peacemaker, which takes the Prowler out and retreats into my DZ. My KHD destroys the Pitcher and I set up for a better defense with Scarface and a buffed Sierra. The ABH advances a bit and enters suppressive fire on the right (which was totally dumb from my side).
Bakunin 2: The Zero crosses the centerline again and places a mine in front of my Beacon, only to get stunned again and retreat a bit. The Custodier failes with her last Pitcher, but wrecks the left Fugazi. The Moderator spitfire takes action and shoots my ABH without problems, but get stunned by my Fugazi. The Taskmaster advances a bit in the center and does a wound on Scarface.
Druze 3: There will be nothing from my side able to reach the Beacon, but I have HVT:Retroengineering as classified, which could be scored by my advaned Palbot and win me the game, if I could defend my Beacon then. So the Palbot is send out to the HVT, while Cordelia closes up to the damaged Pathfinder. First I score the classified, then the Pathfinder is back. I retreat Cordelia a bit and repair Scarface a second wound, only to remove it with the next order. Scarface clears out the Zero in the center and wounds the Taskmaster with his HRL. Out of LoF he enters SF together with the Pathfinders on the flanks, which had advanced a bit into the firelanes. Valeria buffed the Sierra again.
Bakunin 3: The last camo marker crosses the center line without being dscovered. He then slips into basecontact with my Beacon by his second short skill, while I discover him. Without activating him again, I can not kill him with all the guns pointed at him, so the game is over.
This time I was tricked by the mission, since I thought you need to pick up the Beacon. 6- 2 for Bakunin this time. As long as I am not able to do anything against those camo-skirmishers, equal if it is a Zero (17 points for a BSG and AP-mines???), a Prowler or a Naga or whatever, they will be my biggest problem. There are enough units to discover them, but most of the time they reach their target within this order, so I can only remove them while they cause the problems they should. A minelayer on my side could be a weak solution for this, but I can't waste a Hunzakut for this, I guess.
Besided that, I am really suprised by this list, since it is straight forward, resilient and mobile, without having reduced tools or tricks by hand. I could not imagine that something like that could be fun or even playable, but it totally is and will be tried more often. Only Cordelia in group one sucks a bit, since she reduces my active orders. I had one order left in group two two turns in a row with nothing to do here, so she could have a cozy place here. But this would have been different, if the Sierra had to take the attack on his shoulders. Maybe I will switch the Fugazi and a Pathfinder between the groups the next time, to have a second gun available in grou two.
Final thoughts:
In the end, I am quite happy with how things turn out at the moment (looking at the game!). The improvements kicked in and new ideas work out, too. But there are still problems to be solved, like camoed skirmishers. But then, I am looking at my overall scores: 13 wins, 21 losses and 3 draws with DBS since Christmas. A win-ratio of 36% is nothing to be proud of after 37 games in total with a sector, I guess. Maybe this turns in the next weeks, but probably not. I am stuck in my meta and should win more reliable here, since I am used to what I face, but this doesn't happen. Since the goal is to get into the first third regularly in competitive play, the road still is long and I am asking myself, if the combination of driver and car can make it. But we will see! Any suggestions are very welcomed!
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