Wednesday 23 September 2020

Making an example on corporate interests

On our last regular game night before N4 finally drops, I agreed on one last Code One-teaching game against our newest member. She started somewhere in June and already had some N3 games with not so bad results, but to make a step back and focus a bit more on the general things, I was curious to get my O-12 minis out.The mission here was quadrant control with 25 points.

Since Army 7 has no good opportunity to share lists, here is a short description:

Delta Doc + Yudbot, 2x Razor (SO & Hacker), 2x Crusher SO, 2x Oko, Epsilon HMG, Gamma HMG Lt, Kappa Hacker

The plan was to dominate the board from the beginning and shut most of the dangerous PanO-things down with hacking. The Gamma is a simple throw away piece and the Delta is supposed to get him back if needed.

On the PanO-side was a mix of useful and not so useful things:

2x Fusi Paramedic, Fusi ML, Croc Hacker, Trauma Doc, Engineer, Swiss Guard Hacker, Aquila Lt SO, Orc HMG, Nisse Hacker

Hacking the consoles seems to be one of the main plans and the HIs should simply outgun and outpoint me in the quadrants.

We take a 4x4 map for all Code One games, since it seems to be more balanced and not so alpha-strike dominating as with smaller maps. It seems quite open but the center was well obstructed with quite open DZs.

I loose the Lt roll and go first in the south.

Besides my Epsilon, starting in the center, my whole deployment is mirrored. Each side sees a Crusher a bit advanced, a Razor next to the console, an Oko as back-up and the Kappa behind some containers.

The Orc starts together with the Doc and a Fusilier in the center, the left is covered by the other Fusilier and the ML on the tower but prone. Behind the building on the right, the Aqulia and the Engineer start. A TO-guy starts in front of them.

My Gamma starts on the right to take advantage of longer ranges. A TO-marker reinforces the left.

O-12 1: The right Razor advances into the furthest sector and hides behind the console, while the Gamma advances into the neares right sector to secure that. The last orders go into the left Razor, activating my left console and then hiding recamoed in the far left sector.

PanO 1: The Nisse advances a bit and the Swiss Guard activates the left console and fails many times to discover my Razor on the left.

Here I control three quadrants: 3-0

O-12 2: Now the Epsilon starts and guns down the Nisse and Swiss Guard, while the right Oko advances into the sector.

PanO 2: It is time for the Orc, gunning down the Gamma with ease, while the Aquila finishs the right Razor and takes a defensive position there. To overwatch the left, the ML Fusilier stands up. Finally the TO-marker on the right flips the console.

I have lost the far sectors and we tie on quadrants: 4-1

O-12 3: The Delta lands on the right but has to watch out for the Aquila. His Yudbot only manages to break Gammas neck, ending my aggressive potential on the right. On the left we have an other situation: The Epsilon takes aim on the Fusilier, dropping it without problems. My remaining Razor flips the far left console, guns down a paramedic and fails to shoot the Trauma Doc with his BSG.

PanO 3: Again the Orc saves the day by dropping the razor but then struggles to clear his path on the left. In addition to this, the Aquila fails to activate my right console.

Since I have managed to outpoint both PanO HIs somehow (my notes are not clear about this in detail), I score three additional points, making it a 9-2 in total.

What didn't work out for PanO here were the minor suboptimal things in list-building (ML Fusilier, too many points given for specialists and not for guns) and a hesitant first turn. Some aggressive play with the HIs and a nice back-up with strong AROs would be quite risky with my push in the first turn. I have to admit, that I relied too much on the Gammas durability and the ability of the Delta to revive him. Without CPs and rerolls, this is a gamble. Luckily the PanO WIP worked for me here. Besides that, the new crit-mechanic feels very different and enhances durability of many things and the changes in shotguns are difficult. Without the blast-template in the ranged mode, some old habits need to be changed.

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