Only some weeks left until N4 drops and you could feel the exitement for
it everywhere. Nevertheless, I am not stopping playing for the moment.
Unfortunately, most of the games are for the European Team Event and I
don't want to spoil tournament-lists of my opponents. That limits things
to report for now to some casual games.
The last one was a game of Hunting Party against Invincible Army. I
played my tournament-list since it performed okay in the actual game and
I wanted to test it again, just in case.
5.5 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This list served me quite well in a previous TTS-event, where the potent tools without any glamour around work good with classifieds and can deal with a broad variety of threats. The reduced core-team is just enough to slow down some rambos with Arslan as great toolbox for turn two and three. Scarface does most of the hard work after the Peacemaker is destroyed and Saito solves unforseen problems. Here, the list should also serve for Looting & Sabotaging, where Saito is the only reliable option for DBS to score some points. In Hunting Party the number of characters save a good number of glue-guns, while unnecessary specialists are avoided.
6 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
The core-team explains itself, while everything left is simplay a great collection of pieces to win Hunting Party. The Lui Xing clears things not that easy to reach, while the Mowang and Hac Tao shoot things down and glue some points together. The Lt is well hidden under a marker.
The table turned out to be quite symmetric with one firelane from one edge to the other and the left side more open then the right one.
I loose the Lt roll and should deploy first in the south. I decided to go second, since I did not want to advance and be surprised then.
The Peacemaker took a spot on the left flank with Scarface and Gromoz behind, leaving a place for the Sierra. The center is left empty and the core-team took the right side with the MSR a bit behind and the Druze watching the back. Cordelia overwatched the left blind spots in my DZ, just in case. Saito is deployed in HD on the right flank to catch attackers there and maybe access the DZ from that side. The first push there should be done by the Hunzakut.
The Zhanshi-core took the high building on the left with ML and Haidao on overwatch. The Mowang is deployed on the right and two camo markers went on each flank.
My Sierra now better takes the center, reinforcing my Brawler, since the initial spot now is covered by the Haidao and wasn't that nice as thought, too.
IA 1: A TO-marker appears in the center and advances towards my Sierra. The Hac Tao reveals, dropping the Sierra. Now a Lui Xing drops behind my Brawler. He survives the explode and the Lui Xing survives the starting gunfight. In the end Cordelia and the Brawler are unconscious but the KHD manages to glue the Lui Xing. The Mowang advances but takes the route towrds the center.
Druze 1: To engage the Mowang with Saito, I need to get through the right camo-marker. Arslan discovers the Zhencha, which drops a mine. Some shots are traded, but the Zhencha and the mine are killed by the Chef. Saito starts and takes out the Mowang completly in one order, then recamoes.
IA 2: The Hac Tao enters my DZ after forcing Arslan in cover. His ADHL then glues down Cordelia and the KHD.
Druze 2: The Peacemaker wounds the Hac Tao once, which falls back into full cover. Arslan has to cross the table and manages to kill the Hac Tao with the last order.
IA3: The last camo marker retreats behind the link, while the rest decides not to move or expose more.
Druze 3: I can't do my classifieds since everything is dying straight, I can only activate one console and can't glue down anything now. So a tie is the best result here. First the Hunzakut fails to activate the right console, then the Peacemaker cuts through the core-team to force its way towards the HVT and secures it.
With more specialists glued, I loose 2-1. While there were many games decided by dice, this one was quite even for both sides with only two crits in total. The drop of the Lui Xing behind my core-team in LoF to my KHD was a risky action which paid out quite well. I had hoped to glue him before he manages to drop Cordelia, so that I won't get into the bad situation without an engineer and immobilized specialists. In addition to this, the Zhencha and his mine slowed Saito down to much, so that it was not possible to also engage the Hac Tao. So this tough soaked up my complete second turn, limiting my potential for engaging the Lt. or to do other objectives in turn three.
Maybe one word to Scarface here: In some games, he is quite valuable since he can take a wound and keep going while killing stuff. But whenever there is a full linked heavy weapon crossing his path, his potential is limited. If he can attack from less than 24", things are okay with no further vis-mods. But with mimetism or longer ranges, his journey ends. Nevertheless he can hide a turn and wait for things to come close and break through then. This role as back-up big gun was very valuable in some games now.
For the moment, that will be all to report. I want to make some games with QK in the last weeks of N3, just to enjoy the Iguana and the sectorial a bit before it leaves for a few months. Meanwhile there are two games left for me in the Team event. After that is finished, I will report all the games here and maybe have some discussion about the general performance. For the moment, I feel more limited by my unability to build lists without shooting myself in the foot than by the sectorial itself. Things are turning out quite well with close losses and some wins for the moment, so we will see, where the team will end. Unfortunately the event started before Tao Wu was added, so I will test him first in N4, I guess.
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