Monday 3 August 2020

Behind Svalarheimas mountains

To break the normal ITS-play up a bit and to add some new flavor to Code One for the veterans, our local group tried a small campaign with Code One rules. We took the scenarois from Daedalus Fall, Data Recovery, Exfiltration and Breaking and Entering with 20, 20 and 25 points. The classifieds were removed, while everything else fitted Code One quite nice. The CivEvac was taken from N3. Since we had only three rounds, the experience-options were removed. To give some more redundancy, everyone could nominate one of his troops as SpecOp before each game. Each SpecOp got an extra order, similar to Tactical Awareness.

Unfortunately we were only three players, so round one saw YuYing vs. O12. The winner had to face PanO in the second round, while the last round was YuYing vs. PanO.

Round one, Data recovery:
During the intense fights between the forces of White Banner and the Svalarheima Winterforce, a civilian aircraft was damaged and got lost somewhere in a remote area. Since noncombatants were involved in this accident, O12 forces were sent to secure the left overs. Arrived on the crash site, they found not only the wreck of the aircraft, but also some YuYing troops, searching for something. It didn't took long until the first shots were fired to prevent each other from downloading important data from the aircrafts blackbox and carried data storages. All of the sudden a Hac Tao appeared, forcing the Gamma Leutnant and the nearby Psi-Cop in a dangerous shoot-out. While the Hac Tao went down in a cloud of nanobees, YuYing forces were able to download some important data and upload them to their high command. Luckily the Delta-trooper could use the attack of the nearby Epsilon-unit to also download the data and let the Razor upload them to independent servers. With several losses, YuYing troops had to retreat.

Round two, Exfiltration:
Among many unimportant data, some hints of an high ranked corporate consultant illegally captured by PanO troops could be found. The local O12 mandate covered those kind of recovery-missions, so troops were sent to the estimated location. A bit dumbfound, local security troops needed a moment to organize their defense against the infiltrating Razor-unit but managed to keep them away from the hostage. The Orc specialist finally took the momentum, disabling the orbital tracking device and call the airlift. This forced the Gamma Leutnant to set everything on one card: He advanced through the center of the station, covering everything moving with bullets and cut the path of the messenger remote escorting the hostage. A desperate try of a nearby Fusilier paramedic to shoot him down ended without success and the hostage could be freed.

Round three, Breaking and Entering:
While O12 focussed on the hostage-situation, YuYing hackers could extract some information of a secret seasonal used research-facility. Due to the ongoing conflict on the planet, there was no way for PanO to get the original defense-force into position to defend the facility, so a replacement group had to break into the own facility to avoid a YuYing-raid there. A short lead of PanO troops granted them a break through into the YuYing deployment with severe losses, while the own specialists could disable the power generators of the defense system. Under heavy fire of a Yan Huo, YuYing specialists also disabled the defense systems and managed to activate the elevators to the inner levels of the facility. It was the Guilang hacker finally entering the inner levels and sending all the necessary access-codes to the arriving support-group, so that PanO forces had to retreat from their position and leave the facility to the State Empire.

All in all we managed to do all three games in six hours, including lunch, some breaks and setting up and discussing the missions. So with some preperation and alteration, the existing N3 campaign rules can be used for Code One also and grant a lot of fun and depth, even for the limited rule set. This limitations makes it very easy to focus on the mission and not got overwhelmed with rules and things to do. The extra SPecOp-order made things a bit easier, but everything could be managed with 10 orders in the beginning. We skipped 15 points here, since it was obvious that the needed cuts in those small games would have impacted the performance a lot. All games were fought on 48x48".

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