Two days off, so there was space for two new games. Unfortunatley, I
could not continue the good results of the previous game and had to
learn again how mistakes can be punished. But have your own look at it:
Vassal opens some opportunities regarding terrain, we wanted to play a
less frequent mission in our group: The Armory. I wanted to explore the
potential of my previous list a bit more and since Scarface is not very
helpful in this mission, the list was fixed.
6 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Saito should break the door as early as possible and then should be a big problem to solve. In the end, the remaining link-members should secure the room. Everything else was just distraction. After I knew I would go vs Dashat, the strategy remainded the same, but with more concerns regarding McMurder and a linked MSV2 MSR...
5 SWC | 298 Points
Open in Infinity Army
This list was not new for my, but what else would Dashat field than this? With the Libertos and Fanous', it would be very hard to cripple the order pool and reduce the scoring-potential. The appearance of mines would threaten my Hunzakuts and Saito a lot, so especially Saito should stick to the Armory and to the mission...
We had to create an artificial objective room with the gate-markers as doors and no walls inside. I underestimated two firelanes while setting it up, what made it a bit harder during the game (one directly north of the OR, the other one south from it, from green DZ to the damaged truck in the yellow one).
I won the Lt-roll and took the first turn. Dashat took the yellow DZ.
My REMs scattered in the north around the buildings with Fugazis out to stun whatever there will come (I forgot about total immunity on McMurder here). Since I accessed the south to be better to defend and easier to leave, my link went there with the MSR more centered, the HRL and HMG on the crate on the bottom and my Lt and KHD behind the silos. I went back to a former mistake with important link-members scattered to far away to activate and have everyone in ZoC. The EM-Druze went on the rooftop in the center, Saito started north behind the central building in marker state. One Hunzakut reinforced the REMs in the north.
Mc Murder was deployed in the north, guarded by two camo-markers and two Fanous'. The ABH-link with MSR-Brawler scattered around the truck with the MSR out to ARO and one ABH looking into the center around the truck. Centered there was the Rui-Shi with her haris-guys, a single Ghulam and a Doc. The south was overwatched by a Fanous and a Camo-marker on the roof.
Hoping for a quick assassination of Cpt. Obvious, my Hunzakut went into the south room, while something was deployed in hidden deployment on the other side. The ABHs get crazy things this time (smoke grenades, HMG and MSR on the one guy overwatching the center).
Druze 1: My link is pinned down by my bad deployment and the ABH-link and in the north there was nothing to deal with the Liberto and McMurder, so I went for the mission. After two orders hitting on the door, Saito forced himself into the room and grabbed something out of the panoply. I had to choose between a good position and marker-state and decided for the marker-state. Group one tried to breakt free, loosing the HRL-Brawler instantly. My EM-Druze climbed of the roof and I rebuild a full link. Nothing more happened.
Dashat 1: McMurder approached my north flank, killing my Hunzakut, a Fugazi and a Pathfinder, but getting shot in the process. The MSR-Brawler oneshotted the opposite door of the OR and the Rui-Shi shredded Saito in one burst. The north Liberto took a walk and went into the OR, grabbed some cevlar out of the panoply and entered suppressive fire.
1-0 Dashat
Druze 2: Now I see the open door of the south building, allowing my Hunzakut to enter the DZ in the south (that would have been necessary turn 1...). The camo on the roof did nothing, but Saito Togan revealed himself after the Hunzakut had finished the Fanous. A quick shot of the LSG stopped him without problems. The Hunzakut shot down a Warcor, exposed himself for a full burst on Cpt. Obvious and went back into cover. All AROs where saved, but also the two hits on Cpt Obvious. My ABH as back-up for the OR started, but failed to kill the Liberto on distance.
Dashat 2: The HMG-ABH forced my Hunzakut prone, followed by the Rui-Shi trying to kill him but got wrecked during the try. The Zuyong finally ended this. Now the Ghulam Doc started and revived Saito. Both took positions in the south.
2-0 Dashat, since I wanted to recover in turn three and take the full points then.
Druze 3: My AHD finally killed the Liberto in the OR, but then had to take a risky run towards the open door without surviving. My HMG-Druze sacrifices himself to the ABH-link but critting down the MSR-ABH, which opens the path for my MSR. Advancing and shooting, he survived the path into the OR, but got nobody killed on his way and remained in a bad position.
Dashat 3: The ABHs shot their way into the OR and looted the crates.
6-0 for Dashat with not many chances left for my troops after turn 1. If Saito had entered the OR a bit faster, he could had marker-state and a good position, what would have been a pain to deal with. Even my assassination-run in turn 2 was risky, so nothing to be proud of. In the end, I am missing a secong big gun here to lower the pressure on my core and have a second vector, if the Hunzakuts can't solve my problems.
there were no opportunities to try out the Fugazis as active
flashlights, I wanted to give it a second try. After the previous game, I
was a bit doubtful about the potential of my list in area-denial
missions, but I had seen my HMG killing many stuff before, so why not
this time?
6 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
My infiltraters should be the silent reserve in points, while my link should force things down and advance this time. Something I am not comfortable with, but the HMG was the only real gun available and so the only solution for the given tasks.
6 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
Long time no see for ASA, so I was not directly prepaired for the firepower Bagh Maris could unleash and how nasty MSV 1 and mimetism can be. This increases the big problem Druze has: Creating beneficial FtF-situations. The list itself is straight forward with only the camo-troop as surprise. I was not that concerned of the Montessa, since it would have been easy to handle with EM-grenades or my HMG.
I reused this table, since it performed well. After loosing the Lt-roll, I had the opportunity to get my known DZ and needed to go first.
The link scattered in the center, A Fugazi and the Pathfinder on the left side, an other Fugazi on the right. One Hunzakut on the left inside a building, Saito behind the fallen silo.
The left side saw the Montessa Knight and the MSRs of the Regular-core. The right was overwatched by the Bagh Mari-haris and the Guarda de Assalto hid on the right.
I placed the second Hunzakut inside the right building and a camo-marker was placed in the center in return.
Druze 1: Group one was reduced by two orders, but I saw the chance to clear both links with my right Hunzakut. He advanced, tried to suprie the Bagh Mari HMG and got critted. So plan B was needed. Saito needed three tries to set up smoke, so that my MSR could kill the Regular MSR and then recieving a crit from the Bagh Mari MSR. I rebuild my link and set the EM-Druze in suppressive fire.
ASA 1: The central camo-marker advanced and reached my link without being killed but got discovered as Dart. I forgot to change face my HRL-Brawler while she tried to kill Saito. Finally she entered suppressive fire. The haris advanced and the HMG took a shot on my HRL-Brawler bot got burned down.
Druze 2: My AHD shot Dart in the back, taking her one wound. Now she was facing everyone, so I tried to reach her with Saito and got critted. My HRL died to by trying. Before giving up, my Kameel could enter base-contact with her, so that my KHD could kill Dart in CC (well...that idea came far to late...).
ASA 2: In LoL not much could happen. The Montessa killed my EM-launcher who was unable to land a grenade on him. Everything else advances a bit where possible.
Druze 3: Things were clearly lost, but needed to be played out. My right Fugazi ate a crit from the Mashinist in his try to free the way for my Kameel into the center. I rebuild my link and the HMG starts his way forward, killing a Bagh Mari, the BM MSR and the Montessa. The REMs on the left advance.
ASA 3: Everything advances, while the Regular spitfire ate a crit of my HMG.
I control my near sector, ASA has his near and the middle: 4-1.
Not really played bad, but diced somewhere, what makes it not so beautiful here. The Hunzakut had the potential to pull out many teeth in turn one or even my MSR could have opened the path for the other one after that. But with all the mimetism scattered and the MSV 1s, the best what Druze can offer for this puposes gets nullified quite fast. These tools were missing while killing Dart, so there was an unusual idea needed, which came too late and saw too many troopers dead. Outnumbered and outgunned, it seemed quite hard to stay in the game.
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