Challenged by dhellfox
s idea of two TAGs in Druze, I used todays Vassal-game to try my
suggested list. The mission was quadrant control, the opponent Aleph
vanilla and the map challenging. All in all: Every single thing bad for
this list happened. But have a look at it by your own:
5.5 SWC | 299 Points
Open in Infinity Army
While the link should be the required toolbox to provide a better environment for the TAGs, Anaconda should open up the path for Scarface, who then strikes as hard as possible and dies. What is left, should be able to wrap up with Anaconda or the Druze SMR. Cordelia takes two Nasmats here to keep her big buddies alive a bit longer.
6 SWC | 300 Points
Open in Infinity Army
The only positive thing to say about this list is the weak smoke-support, but besides that there is only pain and mostly pain with visual modifiers on them and/or multiple wounds. Not very sophisticated, but if the hammer is big enough, everything becomes a nail.
After we tried a pre-set table the last time, we made an attempt on our own this time. The result is not that satisfying, but hey, we wanted to play. For the next time, we will use tables we created before with more time and thoughts about them. The limited terrain-set here is difficult to deal with, but there will be work-arounds after some games, I guess.
I lost the Lt roll and chose the blue DZ as it seemed a bit better to defend with better places for my link. On the right side, my TAGs would be totally exposed.
Ajax, the LRL Torakitei and the Deva took the upper part of the DZ, with Ajax and LRL on the flank. A TO-marker on the center line screened their path. Agema went in the center, backed up by the Myrmedon. Eudoros and the post-humans took the south, while the Torakites scattered around.
With all the spitfires and ODDs available, I was sure that both TAGs would be dead in my first turn. Since there were less big guns in the north, Scarface and Anaconda hid there as good as possible, supported by a Nasmat and a Pathfinder to scare away the MK2 posthuman hacker. Cordelia crawled on the roof of the radar-station to get her out of the way, my link went in the south with MSR out to ARO.
An additional camo-marker was placed near the center-line in the south, I placed my Hunzakut next to the TO-marker to provide additional support for my TAGs. Aleph-datatracker was Eudoros, I nominated the SMR-Druze, since she had the best chances to survive turn one.
Aleph 1: The camo-marker approached my link and since I expected a minelayer (Dart or Naga), I delayed as much as possible. Dart appeared and started shooting on my MSR. After several saved ARM rolls for Dart, she finally killed my MSR and retreated a bit. Eurodos and the posthuman spitfire advanced with the posthuman advancing to the north to defend my TAGs. Dart, posthuman, Agema and Eudors entered suppressive fire.
Druze 1: Both TAGs alive, that was on the positive side. But there were so many hard to kill targets and no tools were available, what was the negative side here. I wanted to weaken the Aleph-force as much as possible, so Scarface tried to get rid of the LRL-Torakitei, hoping to kill Ajax in the longer run, but failed at the LRL. I had to dedicate my punch more to the center, so Scarface switched positions after my Druze SMR took out the posthuman spitfire with some longer shots. The next target was Eudoros as Lt and datatracker with the Agema on the way. Scarface took out the Agema, but got Eudoros only in 25". First I forgot about the HRL, but remembered it in the second order. Retreating and hitting Eudoros, dealing one wound, my turn ended with not much damage done.
And I had completly forgotten about the mission: 3-0 for Aleph.
Aleph 2: The post-doc and his Yudbot advanced to back up Eudoros. The Myrmedon advanced and tried to set up some smoke to take out my Anaconda, but failed several times. His last try was successfull, but costed his life by crossing LoS to my Druze SMR. The Deva took hos place, but had no order left to wreck the Anaconda. Instead, she entered suppressive fire in my north quadrant.
Druze 2: Scarface started and took out the Deva in two orders, then the Anaconda started and shot Eudoros down in two orders. Totally misjudging the distance to Dart, I tried to kill her with the Anaconda, resulting in a wrecked TAG after one suppressive fire-burst...Luckily the operator could score in extremis recovery on the posthuman spitfire next to him. My last option now was to kill Dart and get my SMR out of my DZ in the south - with only two and a half orders. My positioning was bad and Dart killed both Druze in the process.
I had only one quadrant, so the score went up to 5-1 for Aleph and I called it here.
Aleph is a bad match-up for Druze in most cases, since they are the opposite sides of equipment and failproofnes. But this time, my list maxed this drawback out even more. If I had the possibility of an alpha-strike, things may be different. But with that being my only real chance, that says everything about this list. Only due to bad dice and some bad decisions (Dart with EM-grenades instead of mines), I had a first turn. From my point of view, there is a second ARO-piece missing in this list and after you have lost both TAGs (what is the case quite early), there is nothing mobile to solve remaining problems. It felt like things were not working together in a way, they need to in this sector.
What do I think is the problem here: That is easy to answer! It is the Anaconda. I don't know any worse unit in Infinity than this "TAG". The increase in costs due to tactial awareness was the last nail in this coffin. He takes away the space for all your synergizing tools and only adds a 2W HMG. 2W and 4/4 MOV is nothing TAG-like and while looking at other TAGs, I get none of the cool equipment of other TAGs in that price-category. It is too expensive for a better armed Hospitaller Knight.
I won't say that terrain and match-up were factors here, too. And maybe you will play them different in a real game with an better overview about angles and units. So I will make at least one more game with this list, but I am not very optimistic about this idea in Druze. Scarface is okay as a one way solution, but there is no need or space for the Anaconda.
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